Friday, December 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday...Barely

I will be honest. It is a good thing I do Thankful Thursdays and not Thankful Wednesdays. Not only because Thankful and Wednesday don't flow off the tongue as well as Thankful Thursday (gotta love alliteration), but also because Wednesday was Worse Wednesday or Wicked Wednesday or any other W adjective you can think of that has a negative connotation.

Last night, I was sitting in my house after a VERY long day. I was having my typical one person pity party after having run all over for kid activities and not getting to eat dinner (one of my favorites) until 7:30 (I eat lunch around 11:15).  One child was whining and complaining, another one was dilly dallying instead of doing what needed to be done (cleaning the room), one was resisting a much needed bedtime, another was needling the whiner and complainer.  All this after a long day at school with kids who have one thing on the mind this time of year.  Christmas.  I was looking at my bare tree and very undecorated house wondering when I was supposed to work on it all.  We had some bad family news.  And I was tired.

But Thankfully, it is Thursday.

A new day.

And today I have things to be thankful for.

I probably did yesterday too but I was not in the right frame of mind to think of them.

Today I can.

That in itself is something to be thankful for.

Here are a few other things I am thankful for...

  • The joy of seeing the holidays through my children's eyes.  Child 3 is in awe of Christmas lights. It has made me slow down and truly appreciate the twinkling lights and fun displays too.
  • The warm winter weather. I know a lot of people are ready for the cold. Those people are not me. I do NOT like winter weather.  Not at all.  And I am enjoying each and every moment of this warmer weather. Today felt like spring. I wanted to have class outside the rest of the day. :)
  • A dead battery. Okay, not so thankful for that. But I am thankful that the two times it was dead, I was at home or at school AND my husband was in the nearby vicinity (a rare treat :).  Even better, we were afraid it was the starter or alternator but it was the battery AND that was under warranty.  VERY thankful for that.  Running smoothly now.
  • A rare evening at home.  One child is playing volleyball, another does gymnastics.  Three days of the week involve a lot of running around. Thankful for hubby who came home from work early to take the volleyball player to practice, giving me an entire evening at home.  Little ones and I even got some Christmas decorating done
  • On-line shopping. It is the only way to go. :)
  • A Saturday in Tulsa with my mom for some shopping and some eating.  I very much enjoyed the time.
  • Thankful that my car did NOT die when we were in Tulsa.
  • My daddy.  It is his birthday.  He was and always will be my hero. I am thankful that he gives me a glimpse of who my Heavenly Father is through his unconditional love, his hard work, his honesty, his fairness, his dedication to family and God.
  • Oh Holy Night.  The one Christmas carol that makes me stop and truly reflect.
  • Mrs. Vickey who graciously volunteered to wrap Christmas books for me for our book tradition.  She wrapped about half of them for me which has been a God-send in this crazy time of year.
  • A mostly redecorated toyroom and girls' room
  • My students. This time of year is a tough one but I am so excited to see the learning taking place. That and they just make me smile. Most days. :)
  • Ear infections. Not that I want my kids to be sick. But I had to run Child 4 to the doctor because he has been so congested. That and his golf ball size tonsils.  SOOOO thankful that it was nothing serious (I was fearing pneumonia)...just a couple of slightly infected ears.  The doctor was wonderful to work with me on finding a medicine that (knock on wood) has not affected behavior.  And he could go right back to school. 
  • Special times with friends. 
  • My co-workers.  
  • Pajama Day tomorrow. :) Can't wait!
What are you thankful for this week?  Really think about it. I bet you can think of something...


1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for your blog. I am not alone which makes me feel good after I read your post. I read a post the other day... If we stopped complaining and starting praising we would smile more-


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