Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sorry, Charlie

Even as I type that, I can hear child 4 saying, "I not Charlie, I _____!" :)

Sorry I am doing a brief check in. Yesterday when we got home, I tried to catch up on the kids' schoolwork (they always have a bunch on Mondays...signing papers, filling out permission slips, writing checks, etc). During that I discovered I needed to monitor a baseball game going on in the backyard. So I headed out there. Shortly afterward I had to clean myself up to attend an educational banquet. You would think since I am a teacher, I would be the reason for going. Nope, it was for Mark. He is involved in something called PIE which means Partners in Education. They connect businesses to schools. By the time we got home late, we had to get the kids down for the night. Then it was time to work on sub plans because I will be out of the room all day. And now here I am. Time to get up and go to presentations all day.

I wish I could say the rest of the week will be better, but right now I am not so sure. It is such a busy time of year.

One neat story though. The educational banquet we were at honored high school students with all A's. Two of the students were former kindergarten students of mine once upon a time. I walked over to one of them, a senior, after it was all over. He smiled and gave me a hug. I did feel old...he is taller than me and graduating this year. Then I saw his parents and caught up with them. It was just neat to see especially after my last post. I cannot say he was on that stage because of me. I told his parents I am pretty sure he would have learned with or without me...he was and is a smart kid. But I am so privileged I was a part of it!


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