Friday, May 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday...The Morning After

Yesterday was my "last day" of school (the kids were done the day before), though I am not actually quite finished packing up my room. So I am not truly done yet.  However, I will hopefully finish up over the weekend when I have a chance.

After all that, I conked out last night before posting this.

It has been a difficult week. A chaotic week.  A not always fun week.

But I am thankful.

I choose to be thankful.

Because even in the midst of trials and tribulations, there are blessings.

Even when your husband has lost his job.

So here are a few things I am thankful for this week:
  • the end of school.  I LOVE my job, but I am so ready to have some relaxing days of summer.
  • the kids' school years.  They all had good years.  There were ups and downs for each of them in different areas, but in the end, they have all grown socially, academically, and emotionally.  We are so very grateful to their teachers for being a part of that.
  • lunch out with a couple of co-workers yesterday at one of my favorite places, eating one of my favorite salads.  It was just nice to sit and relax a bit.
  • the prayers and encouragement that have been sent our way this week.
  • a sweet bouquet of flowers and a precious note from one of my graduating fifth graders.  One of the most special notes I have ever read.
  • my sweet students.  They blessed me in a big way this year.
  • a new "shaved ice" flavor.  Hog Wild.  YUM.  Thanks, Julie, for showing me the way...
  • listening to my daughter sing with the chorus at the Naturals game.
  • our last preschool tuition payment. WOOHOO!
  • that hubby was able to keep his cell phone number (though we had to buy a new phone and are now paying for his service too).  I had that number written on LOTS and LOTS of forms around town.  I am so thankful I don't have to change them all :)
  • that if hubby was going to be jobless, the last week of school was the week for it to happen.  I have been able to work later, run up to the school when needed, etc. without worrying about what to do with the kids.
  • hubby's former co-workers...they have been encouraging and supportive during this time.
  • our music minister's successful surgery to remove cancer.
  • my sister's in town (though I haven't gotten to see her...yet)
  • that both of our vehicles are paid off
  • watching our daughter shine as she "graduated" fifth grade
  • sweet cards and FB notes from parents of my students
I could think of more but the kid crew is begging for breakfast, so I better stop for now.

What are you thankful for this week???


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